Educational Project
Education Award
Learn as you like, like the way you learn
Be Independent
Answer our clinically relevant multiple-choice questions from our ever-growing bank that has been carefully curated by some of the most prestigious universities and doctors in the world.
Be Collaborative
Start discussions by commenting on questions and receive direct, expert feedback from medical professionals who ensure only the best quality questions enter the database.
Be Creative
Follow our published question writing guide and co-author questions with friends, teachers and medical experts so that you can learn more effectively and build up your portfolio with our internationally recognised certificates.
Be Motivated
Earn points and badges for answering, writing and reviewing questions and watch yourself level up as your Smash your way to the top. Do you have what it takes to become the Ultimate Physician?
We understand you, we've been on both sides of the classroom
SmashMedicine was developed by Ben and Jason. As medical students they had spent many frustrated and bored hours in the library. Surely, they thought, there must be a better way!
Now, after publishing papers and testing new approaches, they hold teaching positions at top international universities.
What makes SmashMedicine so SmashTastic?
Evidence Base
The Smash approach was born out of years of research. Question writers can improve their exam results by up to 15%! By writing questions, you can smash your way through your exams and become the best doctor you can be.
Artificial Intelligence
We lead the way when it comes to machine learning and medical education. Our bespoke algorithms streamline the learning process, helping you learn more efficiently.
We all know that flicking through multiple-choice questions can quickly become monotonous. With SmashMedicine, learning and fun are no longer separate. Start your quest today and progress through the levels whilst competing with your friends on leaderboards.
You're in good company
We support students and doctors around the globe

Join our global Smash Community
Learning alone is now a thing of the past. Our community of medical students, doctors, teachers, universities, patients and medical societies continues to grow and support each other.
Our SmashEvents allow all the key stakeholders in medical education to have a voice.
To find out more, please click here.
Patient engagement
We are extremely passionate about patient engagement in education and want to give patients a voice to help develop the healthcare professionals of tomorrow. Click here if you would like to take part in this project